According to Wikipedia the Whim Creek Hotel is a famous landmark midway between Karratha and Port Hedland, and is renowned as a rest stop, hotel and drinking establishment for the better part of the 20th century. It is located 1645km north of Perth.
The original Whim Creek Hotel was a tin-roofed structure which was blown down in a cyclone in the 1890s. The hotel was resurrected, and has been blown down twice since; in the mid-20th century and in the 1990s.
The current Whim Creek Hotel was erected in the early 20th century. The original building frame, made of steel, was originally intended to be the frame for the Marble Bar Courthouse. The frame and materials were landed at the Balla Balla Creek jetty, ready for transport inland to Marble Bar, but the effort was stranded by a large cyclone. The building was erected at its current site on the banks of Whim Creek, where the steel frame has stood ever since. The wooden facade has, however, been blown off twice.
Colourful history
Whim Creek was renowned for its alcoholic camel which used to drink patrons' beers before being relocated to Wiluna, suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, and a large python which used to live within the rafters above the bar. Three brothers from the local Aboriginal community are commemorated for their war service via a mall memorial in the car park. They died in 1943 in the Papuan Campaign of World War II.
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REGION: > WA > Northern > Kimberley/North > Whim Creek