Boyds Bay Holiday Park is a very attractive spacious park with excellent amenities and facilities including secure entrance/exit. It is located at 3 Dry Dock Road, Tweed Heads. The park has 317 sites of which 294 are tourist with 244 of these powered. Boyds Bay Holiday Park has a nice circular design which is very pleasing on the eye. The park is situated in Dry Dock Road and is relatively free of traffic noise. The swimming pool has a nice water feature and good shading for those who want to avoid strong sunlight. Amenities facilities are easy walking distance from most sites. The resident managers are Margaret and Owen Hodge and Jared and Shallain Hodge. Bookings can be made by
telephoning the park and please tell the park that you have seen their photos on Caravan Park Photos. Photos on this page were taken on 23rd August 2006.