Capital Country Holiday Village - Sutton: Amenities  block and laundry Capital Country Holiday Village - Sutton:  Amenities block and laundry

  1. d. williams  of  dickson Sun September 14, 2014 at 1:03 AM

    as im interested in becoming a resident at the park as yet have not decided if they have the services I require. been told the water is not too good? as noticed every unit has water tanks this ? the quality of the water. where does it come from. is it tanked in. used to live bidges road 15 years back was limited then. but might be better now. car a resident have a baroque at there residence. what are the limitations.
    what extras do you have to pay for. what do you get for your rent. can you choose your power company, phone company. or are u locked in to the park services only.