Glenriddle Reserve is located at Pera Linton Rd - S , Woodsreef which is only a short drive from Barraba. Barraba is located 500km north west of Sydney. Near the Barraba township. Site maintained by the Barraba RSL fishing club and others. Tank water (not for drinking) available. BBQ spots with plenty of wood on site. Glorious campground with peace and quiet. Camp oven frames with chains over several fire pits. The dam was just a creek (7-2010), but Ideal for the kids to play in. Good mountain bike riding along the creek. Good for a quiet day or two stop over. Barraba is a lovely town to visit with very friendly people. Photos on this page were taken in October 2016.
REGION: > NSW > Regional NSW > North West Slopes > Woodsreef